Specialized Care

Each treatment is catered to you and your unique needs. There are many ancient modalities that can help restore your mind and body to equilibrium. Below is a list and description of the tools I use to support you in living a life of vitality. 

acupoint Therapies



Acupuncture is the technique of gently inserting thin and sterile needles into the skin. With children and sensitive patients, acupuncture can be done with non- insertive techniques. Acupuncture has been used and developed over thousands of years to encourage the bodies natural ability to heal.

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Moxibustion is an excellent companion to acupuncture. The technique involves warming the skin by burning an herb directly on or indirectly over the skin.


Hands on therapies

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Body work

Shiatsu is a form of acupressure massage that is preformed on a clothed patient. It is a gentle and not insertive way of stimulating and clearing meridians and releasing tension.

Sotai is a gentle form of body work that can alleviate pain, tightness and misalignment throughout the body. It is performed on the patient clothed and is interactive yet calming.




Shiatsu is a form of acupressure massage that is preformed on the patient clothed. It is a Cupping is used typically used for musculoskeletal issues. It involves placing cups on the skin. There is a suction that occurs, breaking up stagnation in the muscle fascia layers.

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A pediatric style of acupuncture, shonishin translates as "sho" little, "ni" children, "shin" needle.  Non-insertive tools are used to treat the child and relieve symptoms such as allergies, asthma, chronic ear infections, ADHD/ADD and night terrors. A shonishin intake and treatment takes between 15-30 minutes. 


Internal Therapies

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Chinese herbs

Herbal formulas are an excellent tool for treating a person with complex chronic disease as well as a person experiencing acute symptoms. Formulas are made up of herbs which are combined to suit the condition of each individual patient. They are usually made into a tea, either from powder or bulk herbs and taken internally on a daily basis.

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Dietary & Lifestyle counseling

Holistic diet and living in harmony with nature can alleviate many types of disease. Diet and lifestyle choices are very personal and it is important to work with individuals to encourage a satisfying and fulfilling diet and life.