I am taking the rules/regulations set out by our state boards seriously in order to keep everyone who comes in to the clinic as safe as possible. For those of you who do not feel comfortable coming in for treatment, I am still available for tele-health appointments.  Please read the protocols below and thank you for your help in keeping one another safe. 

  • Please arrive at your scheduled treatment time.We want to minimize use of the waiting room. If you arrive early, please wait in your car or find an outdoor spot to wait. 

  • You will perform a pre-screening before starting treatment. All patients will be asked to wash hands or use hand sanitizer upon entry. 

  • All patients will be asked to wear a mask for the duration of their time in the building, including during treatment.  I, the practitioner, will also wear a mask for the entire day. If you do not have a mask, please let me know before coming to greet you so that I can provide one for you before you enter the building. 

  • I will be using a disinfectant certified to kill Coronavirus.  All sheets/table paper will be changed (as always) and high touch areas will be wiped down with disinfectant between each patient. 

  • I will have a window open and or a HEPA filter during treatment to maximize clean air. 

  • I will cancel patient appointments if I have tested positive for COVID19 or have any COVID symptoms. 

  • Please cancel your appointment or move your appointment to tele-health if you have been any of the normal COV19 symptoms: body temperature above 100 degrees, serious dry cough, recent loss of smell or taste and shortness of breath. Additionally, if you have an known exposure to anyone with positive COVID, please move your appointment to 14 days after exposure. You will not be charged you a late cancelation fee.

We are in this together.

I am grateful to be providing you care during this challenging time.