I treat people with a gentle and interactive approach, trusting in the inherent healing potential within each individual.

Below are some common concerns that I have been able to help.

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Maybe you had an old or recent injury that isn’t healing as fast as you’d like. Or your pain is arising from too much desk work. Regardless the reason, you are discouraged and no longer engaging in the world as you used to. 

Hormonal HEALTH-

Inclusive hormonal health across your lifespan such as irregular menstrual cycles, PMS, or menopausal symptoms can be all-consuming. There is an imbalance that needs to be addressed for these times of transition. 


This unfortunate incident has left you with body pain, exhausted and stressed. The road to recovery feels complicated and has left you side swept. 


You find yourself in a state of chronic stress, low mood or anxiety. These emotional states you find yourself in can lead to many symptoms such as insomnia, digestive complaints and muscle tension.  


You are going through cancer therapy and are struggling with some of the side-effects of these treatments such as fatigue, dry mouth, nausea and pain. 


It is important to feel respected, seen and safe in all areas of life, especially when seeking the care you need. 

I have most success with people who:

Understand that true healing is a journey / Acknowledge consistent care is integral in uncovering and treating the root cause of dis-ease /   Appreciate a holistic and interactive approach to healthcare / Take an active role in their own healing path.